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2011-09-29 11:14:17 来源: www.hxyouting.com
中国日报 - 生活 +加关注打印文章 发送给我好友 字号 T | T





In 1983 the Government built the new Shanghai Water Sports Center (SWSC) on Dianshan Lake in Qingpu District. The primary objective was to provide a state of the art facilities for the Olympic rowers who, due to heavy commercial traffic, could no longer train on the Huangpu River. In March 2004, SBYC moved its activities to the SWSC and has since grown from strength to strength. Over the years, and through a successful co-operation with the SWSC, we have introduced many members of the Shanghai community to the thrill of sailing.

In April 2009, SBYC moved its activities to the site of the Shanghai Yacht Club & Resort (SYCR) opposite Grand View Gardens, at the West end of the lake. The beautiful park at the sailing base provides great leisure time for all family members who are not sailing. Please note that SBYC and SYCR are separate entities. While membership at SYCR gives access to all amenities of the resort (including some limited sailing, but not on SBYC boats), membership at SBYC gives access to SBYC’s club boat fleet, the training program, the regattas as well as the club life in a relaxing natural setting.

Today, SBYC continues to develop its activities and increase its membership. The Club currently boasts about 180 members and a total fleet of more than 40 boats.

来源:www.hxyouting.com 编辑:张瑨瑄

编辑: 张瑨瑄 标签: 帆船俱乐部 the 帆船比赛 SBYC sailing
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