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厦门 中国湾 香山国际游艇俱乐部

2011-09-22 16:04:06 来源: www.chineseboating.com.cn
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厦门 中国湾 香山国际游艇俱乐部
Shangshan International Yacht Club
厦门 中国湾香山国际游艇俱乐部雄踞厦门环岛路东侧,北靠香山,南临厦门国际会展中心,西抵国际会议中心、国际网球中心。积聚黄厝旅游发展区、会展商圈、观音山CBD 区及钟宅湾片区等数个未来大型商圈或商务圈。此外,距离高崎国际机场仅15 分钟车程,使得项目在对外交通网络方面具有一大优势。据厦门市政府规划,香山国际游艇俱乐部充分利用厦门滨海地带的自然生态,与邻近的国际会展中心、国际会议中心相得益彰,将周边的环境、商业与艺术融为一体,为厦门注入全新的游艇生活概念,树立航海主题的海边城市形象,打造一个真正意义上的游艇城市。

香山国际游艇俱乐部项目总用海面积在701097.8 平方米,预计总投资35 亿人民币左右。项目最独特之处在于整个项目均为填海项目,以打造“亚洲顶级游艇生活圈”为目标。整个项目规划配套158 席珍藏版VIP综合用房,现代滨海风格,布局合理,可不同角度拥有绝版无敌海景;风情露台、私家泳池,尊享海天一色;VIP综合用房最独特之处在于,户户独立拥有私家泊位,实现游艇停泊家门口的奢华梦想;VI智能化管理系统,超五星级管家服务,打造顶级私密高尚社区。尊贵的游艇俱乐部会所集休闲、娱乐、健身、商务为一体,餐厅、酒吧、健身区、宴会厅一应俱全;拥有私家会所的同时也拥有俱乐部会员的尊贵身份。509个私家泊位,专业团队及技术支持,游艇维护再无后顾之忧。游艇展示销售中心集齐世界顶级游艇品牌厂商入驻。繁华海上购物中心及豪华超五星级酒店。

Shangshan International Yacht Club covers a sea area of 701097.8 square meters with the total investment is approximately RMB 3.5 billion. Programmed as the largest international yacht club in Asia. The whole item programme will set up 158 Waterside Villas, Cruise liner terminal , Yacht Exhibition Center and Yacht club, together with a Platinum 5-star Hotel and 5A office building as a symbol, the exotic and unique Water-front Shopping Mall. In the port pond will equip with approximately 600-800 yachts berths in different size.
Shangshan International Yacht Club was voted as Best Seashore Developing Project in 2008 Asia International
Real-estate Investment and Development, which was also the Xiamen’s first such awards in Asia.
香山国际游艇会功能配套(Funtional Facilities) :
地标性超五星级酒店; Platinum 5-star Hotel 66,000 ㎡
5A写字楼; 5A Office Building 57,000 ㎡
酒店公寓及商务办公楼; SOHO 57,000 ㎡
中国第一个有水上的士的滨水购物中心; Water-front Shopping Mall 108,000 ㎡
158 个独具特色的水上VIP豪华泊园; 158 Waterside Villas 75,700㎡
国内最顶级配套的俱乐部会所; International Yacht Club 44,500 ㎡
游艇展销和培训中心Yatcht Exhibition and Training Center 47,800 ㎡
8 个奢华企业会所8 Luxury Business Clubs 13,000㎡
港池内设有600-800 个不同尺寸规格的游艇泊位; 600-800 Yacht Berths
游轮商务中心:包含可停靠3000 吨游轮的码头及游艇销售展 示训练、维修保养等设施;
Cruise Liner Terminal & Yacht Exhibition Center & Yacht Servicing Area

香山国际游艇俱乐部(厦门)项目为厦门市重点工程,是厦门目前最大的旅游投资项目,整个项目分两期进行开发建设,一期工程为游艇俱乐部会所、游艇俱乐部码头、VIP豪华泊园、游艇展示销售中心及游艇配套设施,将于2009 年年底完工并投入试营业;二期工程为超五星级酒店、5A写字楼,商务办公楼,滨水商业街,预计于2011 年初完工,项目自2006 年1 月1 日正式动工开始海上挖泥工作,2008 年9 月围海造地工程全部完成,2009年2 月综合用房已封顶100 多栋,俱乐部已施工至地上4 层,游艇展销中心已建盖到地面层。二期工程规划及图纸也已在进行最后的调整与修改。
Shangshan International Yacht Club(Xiamen) is the priority project in Xiamen, which is the biggest tourism investment inXiamen at present, the item divided into two phases,the first phase of the project is yacht club, yacht club marina, luxury waterside villas、yacht exhibition center and facilities matched to yacht, will be finished and soft open at the end of 2009.
The second phase is Platinum 5-star hotel, 5A office building, SOHO, and waterfront shopping mall estimately will be finished by the early of 2011. The item began to dredging at Jan 1st ,2006, the east and west retaining wall and large area of filling sea have been finished at September 2008. Luxury Waterside Villas have topped more than 100 in February of 2009, Yacht club has constructed to 4 floors of ground, yacht exhibition center has been built to cover the ground floor.
Second stage planning and drawings have also been carrying out the final adjustments and modifications.

Waterside Villas Yacht Exhibition Center International Yacht Club
Water-front Shopping Mall Platinum 5-star Hotel Yacht Berths

To insure the feasibility of every phase from prophase programme,our company substantively appoint Singapore AWP,France NDA, DTZ and Horwath HTL Which give professional support separately in design and market research, insure the unprecedented item go on wheels.

项目获得奖项(Honors and Certificates):
Best Developer-Waterfront Development(Future)

A Celebration of International Team-work
New Design Architecture 法國NDA設計公司
LWMArchitects 李瑋珉建築設計咨詢(上海)有限公司
AWP(Singapore)Pte.Ltd. 新加坡AWP城市規劃建築設計咨詢
Gensler(U.S.)Design Ltd. 美國 Gensler 設計公司
Mall China Innovation Award 2008

Lee Design Incorporated 原堂室內裝修工程股份有限公司
Cheng chung Design(HK)Ltd. 香港鄭中設計事務所
Shanghai Xian Dai Architectural Design (Group) Co.,Ltd 上海现代设计有限公司
Steve Leung Design Ltd. 梁志天設計師有限公司
景觀設計 (Landscape Designer)
Belt Collins Hawaii Ltd. 貝爾高林(夏威夷)有限公司
市場顧問 (Marketing Advisor)
DTZ Debenham Tie Leung 香港戴德梁行
Horwath Asia Pacifie 香港浩華管理顧問公司
管理公司 (Management Advisor)
Palladium Hospitality Group Pty Ltd 澳洲PHG 俱樂部管理公司
As the biggest yacht club in Asia, Shangshan International Yacht Club which focuses primarily on high income customers,make the days of yacht activity, yacht culture and yacht economy incoming.

来源:中国游艇网 实习编辑:陈曦

编辑: 中文娱乐实习 标签: 游艇 Yacht 滨海开发 中国湾 the
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